
Big problems, small solutions

In recent years, global immunization coverage, that is, the percentage of children who receive the recommended vaccines, has been stagnant at 85%. This project will improve universal immunization coverage, and UNICEF will vaccinate more than 6,000 children.

Enable children the opportunity of receiving the vaccines they need.




Donated of €1,735



Vaccines save lives

A campaign by



Direct beneficiaries

Those people who have naturally benefited from the campaign's interventions


Indirect beneficiaries

Those identifiable people who will potentially receive an effect from the campaign's activities


As the name implies, there are big problems that can have a very small solution. For example, diseases that cause thousands of deaths every year. Vaccines are a solution contained in a very small vial, economic, simple and very effective to guarantee the survival of children. In the current context, we are seeing how vaccines are the solution to problems that affect us all.

Now the global pandemic is a clear reminder of how quickly an outbreak can spread without a vaccine to protect people and communities. 

A vaccine for COVID-19 is not yet available, but we do have safe and effective vaccines for other serious and highly contagious diseases like measles. While we take appropriate measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19, we must strive, whenever possible, to ensure that children are up-to-date on their immunisation schedule. Vaccines are one of the most powerful tools at our disposal to ensure the survival of children.

Updates and links

UNICEF (Website)

accredited by lealtad
Campaign objectives
  • Raise awareness in society about the importance of vaccines.
  • Vaccinate children living in fragile environments or in humanitarian contexts, such as conflict-affected countries.
  • Support the Health Ministries to improve and expand routine vaccination services, so that families can vaccinate their children on a regular basis in health centres and hospitals.
  • Organise specific vaccination campaigns to reach places and children far from primary care centres.
  • Identify girls, boys and communities that are being left behind through immunization interventions.
  • Find ways to reach all children, wherever they are: where children are not immunised, AND their lives and their communities are in danger.
  • Work to ensure effective vaccine management processes, so that throughout the supply chain, the OMS standards are met regarding the supply system, the availability and quality of vaccines, and the efficient use of resources.
  • Accompany fathers, mothers and caregivers with truthful and verified information on vaccination.
Who will benefit?

With your help, children around the world will be vaccinated against deadly childhood diseases such as measles, diarrhea and pneumonia.




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